FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).
1.How to Book Online Appointments??

SignIn to our Patient Portal and Click Book Appointments for booking new appointments. If you are the new Patient, first Register yourself and the Book appointments. You can Book Appointment for the Physician whom you wish to meet. Your Appointment status will be sent to your Inbox.

2.How to cancel Appointments through Online?

You can cancel your Appointments also through Online. SignIn to our Patient Portal and Click Cancel Appointments to Cancel already booked appointment. But the Cancellation should be done before 24 hours of Appointment time. If it is less than 24 hours you can't Cancel Appointments through Online.

3.What can I do if I forgotten my password?

If you forgotten the password, System assistance would provide a new password. Click the Forgot Password displays in Login Frame. Complete Mandatory field required and Enter E-Mail ID. Answer the secret question that you have selected during registration. If you answered correctly then you can be able to create New Password to access the patient Portal.

4.How view my appointments?

Signin to Patient Portal and then click My Appointments to view your booked Appointments. You can View the Future Appointments by clicking Future Appointments. All Future Appointments are displayed along with Appointment Status for each Appointment. By Clicking Past Appointments, you can view all the past Appointments. You can take Print Out of all appointments by clicking Print.

5.What are the different ways I can pay my bill?

At Anand Kanjolia, M.D., were committed to the health of our patients. To help you navigate the sometimes confusing world of healthcare reimbursement, we will bill your insurance company and send you statements that help you keep up-to-date on your account and your ADC charges. When you check in for your appointment, remember to present your valid insurance ID or information about your coverage. If your insurance requires a co-payment or a deductible, you will be responsible for these charges at the time of your appointment. If your insurance does not cover certain charges or if there is an unpaid balance of any type, you will be responsible for paying for those services within 30 days of receipt of a statement from us.
Payment can be made by:

  • Cash, check or money order (make payable to ADC)
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American Express

Patients who do not have insurance, will be financially responsible for all charges associated with their care.
For questions or concerns, please call ADC Business Services at (512) 901-4600.

6.What if I can't afford to pay the "Pay This Amount" balance?

Even if you do not have the financial resources to pay the entire balance due, we strongly encourage you to call us and let us know. We have many alternatives to immediate payment in full, and we are willing to work with you to try to qualify you for one of them.

7.Who is responsible for paying my bill?

As a patient, you are ultimately responsible for all services you receive from the physicians and staff at Anand Kanjolia, M.D., for patients who are minors, the guarantor (the person who accompanies the minor) will be responsible for the bill. Anand Kanjolia, M.D., will be happy to file your insurance for you with your insurance company. Anand Kanjolia, M.D., will work with each insurance company to help you receive maximum reimbursement on services provided. However, payment for services is still each patients responsibility

8.What charges am I responsible for if I have insurance? What if I dont have health insurance?

If you have health insurance from one of the insurance companies that Anand Kanjolia, M.D., is contracted with, you will be responsible for your co-pay, any deductible that your policy has, and for any charges that are not covered by your insurance policy. The exact charges that are not covered will be determined by your insurance company. If you do not have insurance, you will be responsible for all charges for your care. Please remember that Anand Kanjolia, M.D., does not accept all insurances. You may be responsible for all your charges if Anand Kanjolia, M.D., is not contracted with your insurance.

9.What are non-covered services and why must I pay them?

In many situations, non-covered services are services that may be important to your health, but are services that your insurance does not pay for based on your policy. In other instances, they may be services that are considered experimental or cosmetic in nature and are not paid for by your policy. Check with your insurance company to find out what services are not covered by your policy.

10.Where can I get an itemized bill?

Call Anand Kanjolia, M.D., Customer Service Department at (413) 781-1186 to request an itemized bill.